Advertising and Promotion
When you choose to advertise your products and services with the Multiple Birth Association for Western Australia Inc. (MBAWA), it gives your business targeted access to more than 500 member families with at least two children aged between 0 to 5 years.
There are a number of ways to promote your business or service to MBAWA members:
- Discounts
The MBAWA discount list is sent to all new and renewing members. It can also be accessed on the members-only Discount Information section of our website. The MBAWA discount list outlines discount offers suitable for members and direct contact details for the businesses who offer them.
If you wish to offer a discount on your services please complete the MBAWA Discount Agreement form and email to
Your business can be advertised via the MBAWA:
- Website – – Your businesses logo can be featured on the home page of our website with a link back to your website.
- Member Facebook Page – We will plug your business and the discount you offer on our member facebook page.
If you take a commercial adverting package there is some capacity to include some promotion of your business on our Public Facebook Page, which has more than 2500 followers.
If you are interested in a commercial advertising arrangement with MBAWA, please have a look at our MBAWA MediaKit , which includes our Rates and Packages and the Advertising Agreement Form. Please email with any commercial advertising questions or to send in a completed Advertising Agreement Form.
- Raffle Prizes
Raffles are held at most of our events and your business can choose to donate prizes. Businesses who donate prizes to any events will be promoted at the event and promotion in the form of Thank You messages will be included on the main page of the MBAWA Website and posted on the MBAWA Facebook page.
- Small Regular events – such as Expectant Parent Meetings or New Parent Morning Teas – your business can donate raffle prizes valued between $20-$50 in exchange for the distribution of pamphlets or product samples to attendees.
- Large events – such as the Annual Christmas or Easter Picnics or fundraising events such as our Quiz Nights – prizes of any value can be donated providing promotion of you business to a much larger group of members.
Please email if you would like to donate a prize one of our events.
- Members Business Directory
If you are an MBAWA member you can add your business, and any discount you wish to offer, to the Members Business Directory. This directory is made available only to other MBAWA members.